No Longer Dead

If you’re reading this, you’ll notice that this blog is no longer dead.

Recently, another blog I was reading posted this quote, and I think it’s appropriate here:

Having a dead blog, a blog that hasn’t been updated in over a month, is worse than no blog at all. -Eric Dye, Continue reading

One Month Down!

I did it! I completed one month of’s Post-a-day challenge for 2011. In some ways I’m kind of surprised it actually worked. Before this, my best intentions for regular posts were often thrown off by some “urgent” task or other. But, so far, I’ve kept it up.

There were several tests already that have sometimes made it difficult. I went on vacation. My kids, wife, and I have all spent ime sick. But I’ve been able to keep communicating via this blog, even if sometimes it was just a quickly written post. (Ahem. Like this one.)

To my readers, thanks, and I hope you’ll stick around for the rest of the year!

Hey! I’ve got a blogroll now!

So I finally added a blogroll to my site. It’s on the right side of the page. Nope; down a little farther. There it is. It’s labeled “Check These Sites Out…” I called it that because, um, well. I don’t remember.

One thought on the blogroll: putting a link on there does not mean that I somehow endorse every word of every post on the site. I might or might not. But they will be sites I look at regularly, so I’d invite you to check them out if you’re interested.

The particular sites I put there for a start are from three other WELS pastors. There’s Pastor Johann Caauwe who is serving in El Paso, TX. Also, Pastor Jeremiah Gumm who serves in Liverpool, NY. Then there’s Pastor Ben Tomczak and the blog for his church, St. Mark Lutheran Church in Duncanville, TX. His blog is technically for his church, but he puts in more than just church events, so it’s well worth a look-see!

I’ll slowly add more sites as I go. Maybe you’ll discover something else you’ll enjoy.

Have a great weekend!


Daily Bible Reading for January 2nd

I mentioned I’d be posting my daily Bible reading schedule, so here it is!

Matthew 1-4, Psalm 1-2

I’m following a very ambitious Bible reading schedule this year. You can download it here. It allows me to get through the entire Bible once, with the most important books twice. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it for everyone, but I think it’s something good for a pastor who should really be on top of the Bible for his own sake and the sake of his congregation.

I won’t necessarily be posting comments about each day’s readings, though I might occasionally. If someone would like to read along this plan with me, let me know! Or if you’d just like to read what I’m reading on a random day, feel free! If you have a comment or question about a particular day’s readings, go ahead and post it in that day’s post’s comments. I’ll try to give you a (relatively) quick answer or reply.

Blessings to you again on this year ahead!

A New Year — A New Start

Happy new year! I wish all my readers God’s blessings in this year ahead. May he give you his Spirit through Word and Sacrament to build you up in him every day!

Besides praying for a great new year for you, I’d also like to tell you about something new I’m going to be doing this year, something bold, something that even I feel like I’m a bit crazy for even attempting. Are you ready?

I’m going to be posting to his blog every day in 2011.

No, seriously! And I intend to actually do it! The idea came from a campaign from encouraging more blog posts from its users. (Check out some info on it here.)  I’ve really enjoyed the platform, I’ve been interested in writing more, and this all works out as a great excuse to finally do it!

This will, of course, mean a few things for the way this blog will look over the coming year.

  • The topics I post about won’t always be “pastoral.” In other words, not every single post will be about my work as a pastor, or about the Bible. That doesn’t mean those topics won’t come up — they will a lot! — but I won’t be holding myself to posting about them every time.
  • Some posts will be very short. A post might just be a few words (such as how I’ll be posting my daily Bible readings, which will in themselves be almost daily posts.) A post might just be a picture (such as what will probably happen when I go on vacation next week. I’ll probably post a photo of what’s going on that day with maybe a sentence of explanation.) Also, posts won’t always include an image of some kind (like this one!)
  • Not every post will be publishing-ready, grammar-perfect. This blog isn’t an online journal of scholarly essays; it’s a weblog. This doesn’t mean I’ll fill it with grammatical errors and sloppy writing (at least not purposely), but I will feel free to be loose and free in my posts. My perfectionism likes to try to keep me putting an image in, making the post a certain length, etc. Well, no more!
  • I’ll be scuttling my tumblr blog — — which I’d been using to post little “non-pastoral” stuff for awhile. I’ll just stick it all on this blog.

And that’s about it! I hope someone out there will get something from all these posts, but at the end of the day, I’m really doing it all to improve my own communication and thinking process. The added challenge of posting every day is that little extra that I believe will keep me motivated.

I’m definitely open to your comments, shares, likes, and encouragement as I go. So feel free to engage on here as much — or as little — as you’d like. Thanks!

Finally, one more time: blessings on your 2011! I’ll be seeing you around!

Why [Not] Start?

Of making many blogs there is no end, and much blog-reading wearies the body.

Solomon did not write those words in Ecclesiastes.  But, if blogs had been around back then, maybe he would have.

Sometimes it seems like everyone and their uncle has a blog. There are definitely some good ones. I like to read them from time to time. Some I try to check regularly, some I see once in a while. Some I keep in feed-readers and try to read them when a new post comes out. But I have to be honest with you: I’m not good at keeping up with blogs. My attention span for long posts disappears quickly, and I find myself looking for something else all too quickly.

So why am I starting a blog here today? Well, let me tell you why I’m not starting this blog. I’m not doing it because I think that there are multitudes out there who need to hang on my every last word and thought. At the end of the day I’m not all that interesting. And while I hope this blog will be beneficial to some as I write about God’s Word, being a pastor, and being a sinner-saint, I realize it won’t be for everyone all the time.

So why am I starting this blog? Mostly for myself. As a confessional Lutheran pastor in the WELS, I spend a lot of time reading and studying. I’m constantly reading the Bible for my next Bible class or sermon or just for my devotional life. I read other theological writings, the Book of Concord, Luther, Walther, theological journals, and yes, the occasional blog. But unless I’m preaching or presenting a class or writing a paper based off of my reading, I often do not specifically express and apply what I’m learning. I want to start expressing and applying my study more by writing about it.

The Apostle Paul said, “It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” With that same spirit of faith we also believe and therefore speak.” (2 Cor. 4:13) I believe, too, and as a pastor I get lots of opportunities to speak. With this blog, it’s my goal to “speak” even more, to sharpen my way of speaking, thinking, and writing. So I’ll post (hopefully fairly regularly) on topics that I’m reading about, studying about, living. They will be mostly connected with my work as a pastor, but not necessarily always.

I invite you to come along with me and read my posts, as your time allows. Comment if you wish. Check out my about page to find out a little more about me. Contact me if you want. But don’t feel guilty if you don’t read it constantly! There are more important things than blogs…